
The Dumbing Down of the CNC Machine Shop

I recently came across an article highlighting the thoughts of Elon Musk … one of my heroes … regarding artificial intelligence as he was addressing a symposium at MIT. In the article he compared the use of AI to the “summoning of a demon” and called it one of the “biggest threats to humans.” “With […]

The Dumbing Down of the CNC Machine Shop Read More »

CAD/CAM vs Kipware® Conversational [ ADSKFusion360 vs. Kipware® Conversational ]

FACT : Using a CAD/CAM system to program the simpler, everyday workpieces is costing you money. FACT : CAD/CAM OVERKILL is real … and is costing shops in labor hours and dollars. FACT : CAD/CAM was NEVER designed to be a G code generating tool first and foremost … it is a design tool first

CAD/CAM vs Kipware® Conversational [ ADSKFusion360 vs. Kipware® Conversational ] Read More »

Shop Floor Programming … Why It’s Different and Why It Matters

If you have ever worked and lived on the shop floor … as we did for over 30+ years … you know there is a difference between programming in a job shop type environment  … what we call every day programming / shop floor programming … and complex “die and mold” programming which is the true

Shop Floor Programming … Why It’s Different and Why It Matters Read More »

Kipware® software is one of the fastest growing brands in machine shops around the world because it solves REAL WORLD problems.




CAD/CAM is ONLY ONE option for CNC programming.



Stop Guesstimating and Start Estimating.



Let ALL your CNC’s operate seamlessly.